You may already know this and already has it on your development machine, but I will mention it for sake of completness. You are going to need Silverlight Toolkit to use DataGrid. Yes, the control is not part of core Silverlight. Microsoft has developed it as part of the tool kit that has lot of usefull controls. You can read more about this tool kit and controls on the site. For now, down the toolkit and install it on your machine.
In your Silverlight project, you will need to add reference to System.Windows.Controls.Data assembly. This is the assembly where DataGrid control is defined. Now you can include DataGrid control on your XAML file. If you tried to add mark up like below on your page, you are going to get error telling you that DataGrid is not recoganized.
<DataGrid x:Name="MyGrid" />
You have to treat DataGrid control like a UserControl in ASP.Net where you have to specify a tag prefix and assembly on top of your page to indicate use of that control. In Silverllight you do this my including xml namespace tag for that silverlight control. In my case I have the following xmlns entry on my XAML file.
This tells the application that I am going to use prefix data for the controls that are present in assembly System.Windows.Controls.Data. Based on this you can now add the following like of mark up on XAML file to include DataGrid on your page.
Now that we have included DataGrid control on the page, we need to attach it to some data source to show some results. Very much like ASP.Net, you will attach an enumeration to this control. The difference is that here it is done through property name ItemSource. Following line of code shows how it is done for silverlight DataGrid control.
List<Comment> unmoderatedComments = new List<Comment>();
void BindGrid()
CommentsGrid.ItemsSource = unmoderatedComments;
As you can see that DataGrid is bound to a List of Comment objects. So far so good, very much like your ASP.Net DataGrid or GridView.
In the mark of DataGrid above, I have explcitly set AutoGenerateColumn property to true. This actually is default value. What this means is that when DataGrid is bound to the collection, it will generate column for each data field or property for the objects in the collection and display them. Thsi is same behavior you see in ASP.Net data grid.
When you are dealing with some real application most of the time you control the columns you want to display and how you want to display them. Silverlight DataGrid does allow you to do so. Fisrt, you will set AutoGenerateColumns property to false. Following mark up shows how you will specify the columns that you want to display.
<data:DataGrid x:Name="CommentsGrid" Height="300"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True">
<Style TargetType="data:DataGridCell">
<Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Top"></Setter>
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Comment Date"
Binding="{Binding CommentDate}"></data:DataGridTextColumn>
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Comment Text" Binding="{Binding Text}">
<Style TargetType="TextBlock">
<Setter Property="TextWrapping" Value="Wrap"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button x:Name="ApprovedButton" Content="Approved"
Click="ApprovedButton_Click" Height="30" Margin="3"></Button>
<Button x:Name="DeleteButton" Content="Delete"
Click="DeleteButton_Click" Height="30" Margin="3"></Button>
<Button x:Name="SpamButton" Content="Mark Spam"
Click="SpamButton_Click" Height="30" Margin="3"></Button>
You will need to add Columns section under your DataGrid control definition and then specify each column that you would want to display. And to bind the column to particular property or field, you will use Binding property. For this post I am going to keep the dicussion to simple binding of the column to property of the object. I will discuss more advanced use in subsequent posts. You can see it is very similar to how you are used to doing things in ASP.Net.
And to accomodate more customized view of the column, you will use DataGridTemplateColumn where you can layout the template of the view of that column. This is also similar to template column in ASP.Net.
For this post I am going to leave this discussion to this simple display of data. I will be discussing more about use of Silverlight DataGrid in subsequent posts. This post should get you started with use of it now.
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