How to plan CCSP Exam preparation

Every time one wants to prepare for a certification exam, first question that pops in mind is "How long will it take to prepare?".

When I prepare for any certification exam, I prepare a tentative schedule based on my existing knowledge of the subject as well as topics that are going to be covered in the exam. I create a XL workbook where I put down all the resources I am going to use to prepare for the exam and how much time I will need to cover the topics. This also includes the practice tests I am going to take during the preparation.

This post will answer the question, How long does it take to prepare for CCSP Exam?

Preparation Plan & Schedule

If you are looking into taking (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam, I have put together an exam preparation plan and schedule that covers studying topics covered in all 6 domains along with 5 full length practice tests.

Download Plan Workbook (Microsoft XL Format)


For this plan, I have assumed use of following resources.

  • (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide
  • The Official (ISC)2 CCSP CBK Reference
  • (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests
  • LinkedIn Learning Courses for all 6 domains

The plan assumes that you are committed to spending no less than 2 hours per day for the preparation.

Plugin your tentative preparation start date in the downloaded workbook. It shall give you the tentative date when you can schedule your exam.

You can adjust the plan by changing the values in "Days" column.

If you need any guidance or help during the preparation, drop me a message in the comments. Or you can connect with me on LinkedIn




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